Individual Counseling
What is individual counselling and can it help me?
In individual counselling, you have the full attention of one of our counsellors in an one-on-one atmosphere of understanding, warmth, and insight. Our counselors can help you in a variety of ways because they are excellent sounding-boards, compassionate listeners, and skillful experts in problems of living.
Am I eligible for counselling services?
Students, Faaculty, Employees and NG Staff of NUST are Eligible for Counselling services
Can I trust that counselling will be confidential?
We are ethically committed to confidentiality and federal/state laws require it. This means that even your attendance in counselling is kept private and confidential. The law states that there are four exceptions to this general rule: a) you may request (by means of a signed release) that your counsellor may reveal information to other individuals or agencies of your choice; b) in instances where there is imminent danger of serious harm to yourself or others, a counsellor may reveal that information to prevent harm; c) in cases involving physical and/or sexual abuse of children or endangered adults, the counsellor must report such abuse; and (d) where otherwise requested by court order or state/federal law.
Who would be my counsellor?
At your first appointment, you will see a counsellor for an intake interview. If individual counselling is recommended, you will be assigned to one of our staff counsellors after your intake. They are trained professional psychologists and have expertise in university counselling.
How long do I need to wait until I can see a counsellor?
C3A is fully committed to schedule you with a counsellor as soon as possible. However, sometimes students’ schedules have limited times available, and this can lead to short waiting periods after the initial intake interview. However, in most cases, the appointment is scheduled for the week following the intake appointment.
How much does it cost?
There is no cost for services at C3A.
Would I be able to get a psychiatric consultation if I need one?
Students who are in counselling at C3A are reffered to a psychiatrist if required. There is no Psychiatrist at C3A.
What can I expect counselling to be like?
Our counsellors have different personal styles. However, we all share a compassion for your personal story and feel that the counselling relationship can make a difference in the life of a client. Come in and see. If you are committed to change, you may be surprised by how much you can grow.